Inbound Marketing Tips and Tricks

How to do Keyword Research for your Niche

If you are new to SEO and keyword research and wondering where to start, here is a blog post for you. I uses inBoundio's keyword research tool (since I am anyway always logged in) so will take that as example but will also cover other major keyword research tools too. 

Find your major 2-3 root phrases
- for example, for inBoundio, I decided to go with "marketing software" and "inbound marketing software" as root phrases. 

After this, I uses the keyword research tool to find 6-7 more keywords like "create landing page software", "email marketing software", "internet marketing software", "online marketing software", "social media marketing software" etc. Now these will be the keywords I will be targeting. 

List of Major keyword research tools - For most of the keyword research, Google keyword research tool is good enough. Eventually it is the quality of content which matters as well as its usability to the readers.

 Other than Google Keyword Research, you can look at KeywordSpy, spyfu, semrush, keywordDisscovery, Keywordcountry, NicheBot too. In future, I will write a more detailed blog post covering all the keyword research tool too but really, for most of the businesses it should not matter which tool you are using. 

Few tips for better keywords research 

1. Don't chose absurd phrases with very low volume - It can be enticing to chose phrases with very low volume as you have higher chances of ranking with them but don't set the bar too low as you want to stick to phrases which define your niche. 

2. Don't chose sentences, stick to phrases with 2 to 4 words at max - Instead of "best online marketing software for individuals", I will stick to "online marketing software" and will keep on using various prefixes and suffixes as I feel like. 

3. There is lot of FUD on the web, specially on the forums where people are talking about holy grail and how they made a killing finding keywords which ranked very well on the web. To me, you are better of avoiding such mindset, list your major keywords and just start writing high quality content. You can't outsmart search engines with just finding some keyword "gems".

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InBoundio is the world’s simplest inbound marketing software targeted towards individuals, small businesses looking to organize their Internet Marketing efforts as well as Marketing or Design Agencies looking to offer an easy to use white label / reseller service to their clients.

Offering Social Media Marketing, Landing Pages, CRM, Drip Marketing, Email Marketing, Autoresponders, Reporting and Analytics, InBoundio has all the essentials you need in one simple, powerful and affordable solution.


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